Successful launch of pilot with MVP1.0
28 December 2021
Towards the end of 2021, we are happy to share that our pilot with MVP1.0 has been successfully launched in two regions in Kenya. This pilot is benefiting over 5000 people in rural Kenya with access to reliable and clean access to energy. More than that, it is improving their financial status for sustainable impact!
LU Holding invests in MbeguSolar
6 September 2021
Officially, we onboarded LU Holding as an investor from Sweden, to build MbeguSolar technology platform that connects African micro-enterprises with solar energy, using a novel self-financing mechanism.
Our impact journey
7 June 2021
As a start up that is centered somewhere between social and technical innovation, we need to talk about our impact and devise means to measure it. 2021 has been exciting addressing these topics and developing our impact model in the process. Read on to find out our story.
Cross border partnerships for sustainable impact
29 March 2021
We are starting a cross border partnership together with Barnfonden (Sweden) and ChildFund (Kenya) to empower schools and women enterprises with solar energy for long lasting change.